. >> jim glasgow remembers when it happened.u learn of kathleen savio death. >> that would've been in 2007, when stacey disappeared. >> glasgow is the state attorney for will county, but he was not in office when kathleen died in 2004. >> you have to understand, it was tucked away as an accident so nobody mentioned it or even knew about it in my administration. so, once stacy went missing, of course, people started saying, wait a minute. his other wife died in the bathtub. >> hearing that, died in the bathtub. what do you think? >> i do not know of any case where a healthy, middle aged adult has ever ground in a bathtub. >> coming up. >> as soon as we pulled the pictures of her in the bathtub, we were like. this is wrong. >> the bathrobe theory of kathleen's death. >> it was almost like there was a struggle and -- >> and she is forced in that position. when you are floating, there will be no force, we would just kind of rest. >> when dateline continues. continues p keep others from harm. at pfizer, we're driven by this impulse.