traffic safety administration metro district attorney and bryan kelly that's the transportation under jim glovert comes from a directive anthony fox to his staff to find and identify those best practices after seeing the tens of thousands of people that are killed in our nation's roadways that is a priority from the top of u.s. department of transportation and the state they're coming to san francisco so see what we're doing now what we're doing in san francisco secretaries called for a pedestrian safety assessment of from nationwide to understand where the problems lie and because of the progress we're making they figured rather than an initial assessment to see what we're dissolution to shire they can share and we can share what we're doing in san francisco with states across the country for example some of what we found maybe some are familiar with more than 70 percent of all our serious fatality collision are located on 12 percent of the city streets we're looking at pedestrians 60 percent and 50 percent of our streets that kind of data analysis that helps us focus resources here is the kind