thanks for holding this hearing and i want to thank you personally for allowing jim goalic from goalic jeep chrysler a constituent of mine and someone in my district for allowing him to testify today. i didn't have a prepared statement, mr. chairman. i just want to make a few comments. my friend joe barton says maybe we're in a new era and i fear that maybe he's right, you know, growing up in pittsburgh, i've had the privilege of representing pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and the turtle creek in congress. we're blue collar kids. our dads and grandfathers made the steel that go into a lot of the steel in your cars. we look after one another from pittsburgh. we buy from our own. we were taught never to buy foreign cars where i grew up. the thought never would occur to us. we buy american and we buy from the people we know. i remember mr. gatti had the local pharmacy on the corner. he's long gone. there's no more family pharmacies left. it's all the big box stores. mr. tamerello had the hardware store when i grew up. no more family hardware stores, now it's home depot, wal-mart. we always had