now after you have heard from jim greenwood, we would be happy to answer any questions you have. >> thank you very much. mr. greenwood, you are recognized for five minutes. >> thank you. i'm tempted to ask unanimous consent to insert your opening statement and the opening statement of the opening statement as a preface to our report because it's gratifying to see how aligned you are with our recommendations. thank you for inviting me to discuss preparedness for biological threats on behalf of the panel. as the former chair of this subcommittee, i am honored to testify here today. this is timely, not because of biological events has occurred but because one has not occurred on u.s. soil. whether it's the reintroduction of smallpox by a terrorism, a dirty bomb in an urban center on another pandemic influenza outbreak, as the panel notes in our report, we are under prepared to respond to these threats. we must take immediate steps to be better prepared. it has been a privilege to serve on the study panel with my colleagues. our report starts from the premise that the threat is real and it is