my name is jim growdin i'm affiliated with the visitacion valley planning alliance and green way and both projects are there to better visitacion valley and i'm i came here today to ask your support in the funding of the project. thank you. >> thank you very much. good to see you good morning. next we have mat and after mat is marlene tran and then jonathan and fran martin. >> good morning everyone. i just want to speak on behalf of residents and neighbors who couldn't make it here today. we'd like you to approve this development and feel it's a huge impact to our community. thank you. >> thank you very much. mat. >> good morning supervisors. delighted to be here to once again endorse this acquisition there's 3 key reasons i want to draw your attention to the first is of course this is a very efficient neighborhood in this valley and a developer that's committed to pay for the construction of these new parks and finally this acquisition would address all of the priority needs laid out particularly the one that has really been the key stumbling block which is how do we pay for the mai