>> well, i maybe take a slightly different perspective than jim hansen in i don't think that the emissionsm the oil, from this particular pipeline tips the scales to make the difference between a disaster and a wonderful idyllic in life. it sense a symbol to the world of the concrete action we say take. if president obama wants a legacy as being the president who turned u.s. energy policy around, and started getting us transitioned from the old fossil fuel based economy from the last century to the near zero emission energy system of the 21st century, then he needs to deny the permit to this pipeline and send a signal that we cannot be expanding last century's fossil fuel infrastructure and expect to wind up with a 21st 21st century energy system. >> cenk: all right let's keep it real. if he does approve it, is he sending the opposite signal, that i just talked about climate change but in reality, i don't think it's that big a deal. >> so far it's hard to really identify anything concrete that president obama has done on the climate issue to really bring down emissions. if he approves key