if i told you about jim harvey, i'd feel like i was betraying franco, betraying his trust, and i hopeter everything you did, all your fighting to get franco back, there was a line that you wouldn't cross because you loved him that much? i still do. i always will. samantha mccall shot david henry archer in the back. she didn't fire a warning shot. she didn't tell him to stand down. she didn't even give him a chance to surrender. in her words and her actions, ms. mccall considered herself david henry archer's judge, jury, and executioner. she has an extensive criminal record -- multiple charges of fraud and larceny. she was a grifter -- a way of life that first put her in the path of mr. archer, not to mention her ties to the criminal underworld to this day. the people request that she receive the maximum sentence. your honor, several weeks ago, a fellow prisoner -- a vicious woman named cassandra pierce -- injured a guard in an escape attempt. when she had the chance to escape, ms. mccall chose to stay with that guard until police and paramedics arrived. i ask you, is that the action o