$1 billion of its own money into f-35 production, and defense news reporter valerie insinna asked jim hasek of the atlantic council how common it is for the defense coming to further their own dollars? money in as a defense contractor is an unusual things. one of the things about being in that business is that the government, not to -- not just the u.s. government, but for averments as well, basically take care of your working capital environments. this is not wholly unknown and commercial airspace, of course. you get advanced payments from customers, but it is very unusual for a defense contractor fund that kind of money. of course, the joint program, if we're talking about putting together working capital, it is going to be that kind of size. i understand it is an unusual occurrence, but does that illustrate a larger trend? mr. hasek: i think we should hope it is not a trend, and we can also be confident it is not a trend. here is why -- the joint program office and lockheed been at an impasse about pricing, terms and conditions about lots nine and lots 10 of reduction. negotiations have