jim helene dog and al jazeera in haggard province southern philippines. finally, the south half hour, a brazilian aquarium has been spreading. some christmas cheer with a bit of bite though. a diver at the rio de janeiro, aquariums bin or santa claus costume. while feeding the facilities shocks and sting rays joined by mrs. calls and some other christmas characters for some festive feeding. a quiver here dive every day until christmas day. ah, this is out as they are these other top stories, the head of the world health organizations calling for limits to gatherings during the holiday period. he said, there is evidence the amazon strain is more transmissible and can evade vaccines. but it's too early to say if it is a milder variance on offers r c. gov, this bundle me all off. i want to spend time with friends and family. all of us want to get back to norman the fastest way to do this is for all of us.