commissioner author of the books whether it is the current even a dead fish and go with the flow jim hightower jim welcome to the program great to be back with you thank you if rick perry wants texas to secede from the union then why is he thinking of running for president. well first of all when he suggested that texas might see there was ross applause not here in texas but in the other forty nine states. it's. really figured out how to put the goober in gubernatorial . just going again and again with not only a session not a comment but this is a guy who said that already this is one of the most dangerous cities in america. what has happened to be a mexico. show through a son like rahm bill requiring that anybody who is one who might want to have an abortion might want to consider an abortion should first have to have something right. involving a device. or truly right into her body but perry said that this was not any big government invasion of an individual because after all you didn't have to get credit so there you have a fellow who prayed for rain we had a three day prefer any here in t