both sides of the aisle, and i'm disturbed that one bill was taken from my democratic colleague, jim himes. i would like to quote "the washington post", "the washington post" said, i quote, this jobs act is not new legislation but is instead a grab bag of items that have already passed at the committee level or on the house floor by wide bipartisan votes. these previously passed bills makes them useful and yet modest steps forward, but they are no substitute for a major job creating highway bill or passage of the full american jobs act. these bills make modest changes for start-up companies. making it easier for them to raise capital through the internet and the solicitation of accredited investors and loosening certain filing and regulatory requirements for start-ups and small banks. i would say the prime goal of the democratic leadership is to reignite the american dream by building the pillars of success for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and making our economy stronger. these bills before us do help in many ways, although they are not a comprehensive jobs package, it rightly gives sm