please join us with carol and jim hopkins. carol estes at elmhurst, and jim hopkins at lakeshore baptist. >>> welcome back to mosaic. this is pentecost and we have been talking about the power of the spirit breaking down barriers and uniting us and bringing us together. i was telling my colleagues in the congregation, i try to encourage them to wear rate in pentecost and they have at fairfield. i am really pleased with it. again, what are the symbols of red? >> the red is the fire, the spirit. the thrust of the movement of the holy spirit that just like us up. the vibrancy and the celebratory color. in different cultures they wear red instead of wearing black. because it is a marking of celebration. >> the tongues of flame dissent on us. carol said it exactly correctly. >> you mentioned earlier that sometimes community they are not pentecostal or charismatic they don't have the spirit. the people who are pentecostal and charismatic don't necessarily have the spirit unless they have a lot of emotion. can you say more about that