republican senator jim inhofe has called it a global warming as a hoax and polls suggest that the american public agrees with him. with so much skepticism about the science, what can a mayor do?ly i spoke to michael bloomberg a short time ago. mayor bloomberg, you have this gathering in which 40 cities from around the world are represented to look at the issue of climate change. given that governments are not on a multilateral level, are we left with cities to deal with the issue of climate change? >> generally speaking, i would argue that at the national or level or at the state level, in fact, there's an awful lot more hot air than there is reductions in greenhouse gases and it is up to the mayors to clean the air, clean the water, reduce the congestion, reduce our energy consumption and our dependence on foreign fuels or fuels that pollute, solve the problem of lack of water in a lot of cases. these are all things that the legislators talk about and the legislatures pass laws about and send grants out, money, but, in fact, don't really have the day-in and day-out expertise or real inter