joining me now is jim kavanaugh. it's been nearly a week since the shooting. still very few clues on a motive. how much planning must have gone into this to leave just so few traces, and have you ever encountered a case like this from that perspective? >> this guy is a strange cat, phillip. there's no question that as we try to evaluate the motive, it changes as the facts change. it's just like at the command post on any big case. who is it, why are they doing it, what's driving it. we always have all those questions. early assessments, i thought maybe we had a gambler losing his murngs goioney, going to tr back at the world. that's been taken off the table by the new facts that this guy researched the hotels in boston and chicago and at concerts. so we have to look at the motive from inside him and the targets and his planning, like you say, and his purpose and see if we can, you know, get something out of that. >> we've heard the undersheriff saying they cannot confirm whether anybody else may have known about this incident before he carried it out. in polic