most popular science communicate is jim l. kelly. thanks so much jim. for coming on world space we have we have the pandora papers. it's great, isn't it all the billionaires? are they gonna leave us to it back on us? well, maybe, hopefully, if they let linda pay the taxes and they can go are they like will next tuesday, william shatner, captain kirk, who does a show here on the ortiz, is calling away launching into space. how important is it that popular culture learn science, communication of the kind that you practice in making people understand why science is not something to be terrified about? well, i think, i mean that there are different aspects to it. you're right. the science is part of popular culture. one of the things i've always tried to do over the years is, is to embed science within that sort of public conversation that we would talk about. things like spice, travel law, all black hole or genetics in the same breath. and we would talk about sports also . latricia politics. music is part of should be part of the conversation. it doesn't m