perez and higens and jim lazarez and joe swa, and mirium, and marbella sanchez. >> this is a type of measure that is covering one group of workers and it has the potential of having a ripple effect of raising standards that will change industries, that will improve conditions for many more workers, this is a type of thing that is happening all across this nation, where we are seeing the casualization of labor, and the wal-martization. and how this is effecting women workers and many time. the employees are using this as further pressure on women workers and using it as a wage cut. making them two eight hours of work in and cutting hours to 6 hours. and in job sites where there is rampent sexual harassment and this again is another tool that is used to sexually harass women and case in point is at prefered business services which is cleaning the offices, that the workers there and the women workers were told, if you want more hours, you are going to have to trade sex for those additional hours. and another issue that has come up is also, that people, and we have members who are workin