joining me now jim manley, former senior communications director for harry reid. is now with qga public affairs. you guys should be able to combat with each other. brad, i know you are still close with congressman cantor. can you sort of explain, walk me through a little bit -- i know you know a little bit now in hindsight, how did congressman cantor end up knowing about this before the president? >> well, i'll tell you, it's probably the last place he thought he would end up and i was just as shocked as the rest of everybody to hear it when it came out on friday. my understanding of what happened is congressman reichert -- >> a republican from washington state. >> use d to be law enforcement agent himself, had a contact in the fbi. that contact raised a concern to him. he had a contact in the fbi who raised this concern to him. he passed it along to the chief of staff of eric cantor's office who then was put in touch with the fbi. knowing how things work in cantor's office, it -- they run by the letter of the law to a "t," so i'm sure everything was done with hea