jim mccosta is not far from the new jersey, golf club from the president's. what's the latest here?at we understand, steve bannon was supposed to be fired a couple of weeks ago talking from white house sources. there is a couple of reasons why and not only the president starting to become annoyed. sometim more crucially and recent weeks of the whole new chief of staff. he was brought into bring in order to this disorderly white house. according to sources, we talked to, steve bannon, did not fit in the kelly's structure. that's not going to work under john kelly. so he was shown the door. of course, we were hearing sources earlier in the day that well, steve bannon was given the options to resign and make no mistakes. this was a firing that donald trump from his apprentice days would appreciate it. >> bannon is back at brietbart. how much is there a concern in the white house that this could be a problem for them in the white house. >> yeah, i talked to sources for weeks now, remember, this is coming up before. steve bannon's head have been on the chopping blocks more than once. one