we will talk to chase in chaffetz and democratic congressman jim mcdermott.ater, adam boulton about the ongoing nato mission in libya. each morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern. to and the c-span video library has just won a peabody award for its contribution to history, scholarship, and public alike. now way year-old, you can watch every program aired on c-span 90 cents 87, over 200,000 hours watchable, cheryl, and free. it is washington your way. >> treasury secretary tim geithner said there would be global economic consequences if congress did not raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling limit before may 16. he testified for an hour 15 minutes. minutes. >> good morning. i am pleased to open this meeting. i want to welcome my ranking member of kansas. welcome to your new position here. i am looking forward to working with you, and my colleague from illinois, senator mark kirk. let me start with an apology, but it is all the president's fault. he decided at the last minute to call -- to call in the leaders, so i apologize to all those in attendance. today we will