manus: thank you very much, i am joined by jim mcgregor. no better man to have in the seat. g? jim: very well. you told me that xi had a lot to do to win the world's confidence back. after the meeting, who came out the winner? where are we? jim: i think everybody is trying to sprinkle sunshine on yesterday and trying to move toward both countries having a discussion, talking, because right now nobody has been talking. xi and biden are the only ones that have a relationship. you get below that, it has been hostility and talking points. a couple of things worked out here and there. the u.s. and china need to have a stable dialogue and i think they both want it. manus: who is more desperate for constructive dialogue? biden described it as it was not a kumbaya moment. who needs it more? the world will benefit politically who needs it more? jim: xi needs it more. he is the chairman of everything, he has all his people surrounding him, his thoughts in the constitution and elsewhere. he is now the all-powerful person he wanted to be and he has worked 10 years to get this been he has