tech entrepreneur jim mckelvy is cofounder of the payment platform square as well as the nonprofit launch code which pairs people want to work in technology with apprenticeships and i want to just say is a slate editorial i recently had the opportunity to see jim mckelvy operating in st. louis, missouri, income will let steve case later with some the coal rise of the respite i've never seen someone more dedicated to helping people who a job issues, job problems get connected to just sort of knox or companies. i wanted a special trip to jim mckelvey in st. louis that deserves a shadow. so please welcome michelle jaconi, jim mckelvey and anant agarwal. [applause] spent i feel like i won the moderators lottery by getting to it if you these two gentlemen who by themselves are phenomenal and together are the superpower team. i told them that washington is big, once you get past the ego's and get to the other level want to make our country better and these two gentlemen are doing it. i want to start with you, jim, and tell us about the st. louis experiment. >> i'm from st. louis, missouri. we h