. >> jim meyer, of the united states. [laughter] for mr. mclaughlin, stated that the cia offices are sworn to tell the truth. perhaps you can expect to be the word disinformation. mr. crawford recently stated that it's pursuing his role in may investigate a possible trump investigation, you simply following the orders of his commander-in-chief suggesting that if he is indicted he will invoke the defense that he was just following orders. do you consider that a valid defense. >> on the issue of speaking the truth, i am referring here to nothing among analysts. that is the job. disinformation is the misunderstood concept that to the extent that it exists, it exists in the operational realm of colbert action however i would see that even there, when the cia uses a term like propaganda, it has learned that the best propaganda is the truth. cia is the organization that created video for europe for example and is the organization that managed to get a lot of literature behind the western literature behind the iron curtain and cold war. frankly, disinformati