joining us now is nbc news chief pentagon correspondent jim miklashevski. jim, thanks for taking the time tonight. maybe you can start by explaining something i think has confused me -- >> if i can interrupt you for a second, we've got some news here. >> go right ahead. >> u.s. military officials have told nbc news that those humanitarian air drops have been completed over the sinjar mountains where up to 40,000 of these members of that small religious sect had to flee from sinjar from the isis rebels. now, according to officials, there were c-17s used for those air drops that were escorted by american f-16 fighter jets. the tdrops, it's not clear just how long they took, but now we're told that those air drops of food, water, medical supplies, humanitarian relief, to those iraqis on the ground there, have, in fact -- has, in fact, been completed successfully and all u.s. planes are now out of that specific airspace, steve. >> okay. thanks. that's important information. and i think it leads to the next question which is what we're hearing today about the pos