jim millan: i knew at he wasery emotnally rtby t. and couldn speakbout for qui some time.l image, as a-s fath er sing a s in whic you ld a lotf prom e, pretty dtructive to him.ele rumfor and you cou imagi the ss of a ild, 's just ry s ad david penheime the mov amonblack vors from therepublan partyo thdemocrat par ty real startedith anklin rseve lt anthen the was a period wre eisenwer wa esident d he wasnot enusiastic boutsupporng or enrcing the decions of t sup recourt onivil rights, and the shifwas clea rly happen ing. . willialee: in e la '50s/eay '6 0s blic accmodationwas t in efft in tho e ar ti mes. and of course, here in the state capit ol here in sacramento, the capitol press would not allow any african-american or 'non-daily' newspap ers, ey callethem, toreallyerve theapit ol soe had a toh time finding d gettinne ws. had to t it from our o s-- u . sour ce i n recalloing to, as an exam plthe setor hote and wecould t even e in th fete ri can reca going i and th politelasked us to leave, and, "don't come in without a white u h.. party to u h.. to bring you i n."and th