gary: jim nantz, i have to call this it's so dark i can't see my notes and if i can't see my notes, i can't announce. jim: i know how diligent you are about note taking and preparation. gary: i don't know what to do, jim. nick: wow. gary: yeah, i can't read in this stuff, guys. can't do it, sorry. i'm like phil. unlike phil, i should say. that's daveraget got a couple of lights on the score boards over here we can kind of glean some information from. let's go to four. jim: spieth for birdie. boy, does he need it. a little positive vibe going into the night. nick: all of a sudden, it's a mind bender for him. jim: that will be it for him for the night. 17. ian: cody gribble, his third. dottie: he's gotten steam rolled here this afternoon, ian. five over par. ian: oh, that's no good. spin back. yeah, here it comes. still a large crowd out here, dottie. dottie: large and enthusiastic. ian: it's certainly late in the day and they were all a bit upset when they heard that horn go. they thought everyone would go in once the horn blew but it's only when it's one long blast in dangerous condit