haldeman, jim neal calls out, stopping me in the hall. i want to wish you well, no matter what the outcome might be. the heartfelt message from bob's adversary -- puts my emotions over the top. fighting to hold back tears, i am more determined than ever to get away. once outside, the tears come -- i can no longer hold them back. by the time bob and the three children find me, i have my emotions under control. it's been a crying day and no one feels like talking. the festivus onto a bird car with one thought in mind -- to get home as quickly as possible. bob told skate -- in the ignition, but nothing happens. he tries again, but the engine won't turn over. people ignore us as they get into their cars and drive away. winding a scarf around his neck -- from bitter cold, leads to get help. an hour passes before he returns. he is a prisoner. obtaining the assistance of two policemen, bob has returned with them in their patrol car. unfortunately, the only seat available is the one in the back behind the plates of steel. hit -- steel mesh. the d