jim norton is sexy as hell. she is not bad. and he is finally back. and it is another edition of father knows best. so e-mail your questions for him at "red eye" at fox news .com. >>> time to go back to tv's andy levy. >> you are going to be on with her rail dough. >> yes, he is going to one of the killer whale tanks. he has that going on. and he think the whale should be put down because of what happened. >> no problem. >> john, where can i find links to your incredibly incredible program. >> you can find my stories on-line to politics, food, relationships and erotic lord of the rings fan physical. >> that's why i follow you. >> yummy. >> the stuff you do with nst. mary, what is going on who said, you said .com? >> it is a daily dose of people saying in their own words what is on their mind. so things like scott brown 's -- it is the people's seat and the gem we saw from joe biden. but on a more microlevel, learning what people have on their minds. and it is a high light real of people in the public eye. >> i want to make out right now. >> super. >>