bush, jim nussle, and seth harris, former deputy labor secretary under president obama.ome to you both. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> good to be here. >> seth, maybe on this topic of labor, now that president trump has named his new designee for labor secretary, there was some talk going into this visit on boeing having just shot down a proposal, the workers there for organized labor. what is going to be president trump's policies on labor and unions? >> well, president trump ran as a sort of fire-breathing populist, a tribune of the working class. the question is whether his policies are going to follow through on that rhetoric. the pick of alex acosta to be the labor secretary suggests that, actually, we're going to see labor policies settle into the traditional conservative republican, small government, very little intervention in markets and workplaces, rather than the kind of really aggressive effort to raise wages and create middle-wage, middle-skilled jobs that the president talked about on the campaign trail. >> yeah, you marry that with some of the p