i mean, jim obergefell is a hero of mine, so not to contradict him, this is not a religion case.s was a free speech case. i think it would behoove those of us who care about equality to acknowledge that this only extends to cases where speech is at issue. this does not allow a pizzeria or a restaurant or a hotel or something to say, no, i get to not serve gay customers. i don't think that that framing helps the cause of equality. >> let's talk about the student loan debt that was basically nullified. scott, your thoughts on that one. >> well, i mean everything i know about this, i learned from joe biden and nancy pelosi, who said on our network and other networks that they didn't think they could do it, that it was unconstitutional to do it. then biden did it anyway, and then the court found that he was right in the first place. and so my advice to him -- by the way, i'm actually sympathetic to these loan holders because i think some of them may have been duped into bad debt, terms they didn't understand, and i understand the crushing nature of it. he needs to pass a law. that's