united states fall not on mother nature rather on mankind. joining me now for more all of this is jim olson. now, jim is a lawyer and public water rights advocate. welcome, and we reached out to you because in the usa we are seeing yet another water crisis and a predominantly african american community. this time, jackson, mississippi, were flooding from climate change, a strained and already underfunded in the collected municipal water infrastructure all to create another crisis. was citizens without water relying on bottled. now i can flip michigan, a cynical attempt to save money, lead to public health crisis with a generational legacy of destruction. and part of that we had detroit where cities bankruptcy problem led to city officials cutting off water to residents who couldn't pay their water bills. what's the common issue with all 3 municipalities in terms of delivering safe drinking water to the residences? is the real question is right. i think there are several factors. one is, at least in the united states. when we began to shifter solutions in the market place, re shifted away fr