jim pinkerton, the young american conservative magazine and daily beast, kirsten powers. i'm jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. warren buffett's secretary shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than warren buffett. there's no justification for it. it is wrong that in the united states of america, a teacher, a nurse or a construction worker who earns $50,000, should pay higher tax rate than somebody pullingn 50 million dollars. >> a very busy week for the media began with the president pitching his latest tax plan, citing what is now referred to as the buffett rule. so, let's start there. the media theme, judy, seems to be that the, you know, it's time to soak the rich and ask them to pay more money, but the rich do pay an awful lot of taxes. >> right, it's true. it was very interesting, the disconnect between the media and the people. the american people seem to like this speech, but boy, the media certainly didn't and some of the most stallwart liberal columnists deserted the president on this and said, you know, hey, wait a minute, this is not what we wanted, this isn'