very beginning, a couple of people who were there at the foundation of this work, chris iddell, jim quigley, and others. the first thing you want to do is find a person and has a better rolodex in washington than anyone else, and i am convinced that that is jamie. we had worked together at hhs and she had been in a number of different roles, and most of the team you can see in this book reflects in some way directly or indirectly people's willingness to respond to her. i have acknowledged that on many occasions how many times you have a chance to surround yourself with people like the former cfo of microsoft and general motors and the former chairman of the lord, like jim , andrews, doug, steve maloney. brian hook. i also want to mention with special appreciation clark , notell and daniel cruz just for their work in putting this report together, which you but the is exceptional, key role they played in the management process, and daniel and many others -- daniel would be my nominee for the unknown soldier award. he and many of his colleagues were there day and night through thick and thin a