jim riek: listen to the audio. [screaming, rain pounding] jeff piotrowski: as the tornado entered the center part of the city, it hit the high school, and that's where the max damage occurred. jim riek: that surveillance video from the high school is no more than a hundred yards from amber munson's house. donna kerry: in 2011, amber was 40 years old. amber has always been amber, just always generous and kind and hospitable and just fun to be around. amber was home that afternoon. she wasn't aware that the tornado was coming. she didn't have her tv on and no indicators that it was gonna be that severe. i had spoken to her. she said, oh, it's just turned really dark here. and then she said, um, now the sirens are going off. and that's when i said, you know, go take the quilt off the top of your bed and get in your bathtub. i said, and then call me back. very few houses in joplin, particularly in the path of what turned out to be this tornado, had basements. so the best place to go is either a closet or in your bathtu