then jim russell gets even weirder.o weird that i tried sort of practicing today and found that i was unable to read the next excerpt without losing my composure so i enlisted our correspondent kent jones to read it for us. >> it has been demonstrated that finches, raised by foster parents of a different species of finch, will later exhibit a life-long sexual attraction toward the alien species. one wonders how a child's sexual imprinting mechanism is affected by forcible racial integration and near continual exposure to media stimuli promoting interracial contact. >> yes, finches, the birds, and interracial contact. major party candidate for congress, ladies and gentlemen. mr. russell also talks about the culpability of media moguls who deliberately popularize miscegenation and to instill in their children an acceptance of appropriate ethnic boundaries for socialization and for marriage. it's 9:31 p.m., have you instilled your children with appropriate ethnic boundaries for socialization today? >>> in a year of extreme