the credit -- press at colorado college was founded in 1978 by in our professor named jim trimble and he was a painter. actually he got into this accidentally that thing got completely fascinated and taken with it and basically taught himself how to do it. and then he belted up over the years on his own in a place tucked away at the college. he amassed all the equipment and all the sorts of things and over about 20 years build to build it up into a nationally recognized press to deal a publisher fine press books. this is their very first class at colorado college, very first college class. it is a history class and they are talking about sort of the development of printed books and manuscript books in that kind of knowledge. so when they come in today we are going to be talking about the different things you know the historical background of the technology and the context in which it was invented, how it changed europe after that and then what it entails. technically what does it entail to print with this equipment? as you can see we are surrounded by all these jurors and each one of