tells me to, do this and i do everything that jim watson tells me. so that was. so she begins writing this all down was fantastic for the book and she so she, you know, she realizes she's out of the course. there's nothing she can do the one final thing she's going to do is write a letter the president of the mit and she writes this letter and she says, you know, probably don't know me. i'm nancy hopkins. i'm a professor of biology. and i think you should know, you know i've had problems with my salary. i've had problems with my space. this course was taken away from me. i think this is discrimination. i think you should know about it. she shows it to one friend, not a scientist. and he's like, i don't know if you should send this. this guy doesn't know you. he's going to think you're a whiner. you know, he won't have any way to evaluate whether you're a good scientist or not. she thinks, oh, you know, okay, maybe that's the wrong outcome she takes it to. she it to a woman. she doesn't well, who's also in biology with her and she respects this woman