a lot of great musicians, and there are a lot of people who've been put on higher pedestals than jim webbthe proponent of what it means to be appalachian, i don't think anybody needs to be put on a higher pedestal than jim webb, i think he needs to be at the top of the top of the top. [light upbeat music] [light upbeat music continues] [vehicle engine humming] [vehicle door squeaking open] - all right, hello dogs. this is my toolbox. that rock looks like kentucky. [footsteps thumping on ground] [dog panting] i keep a trash can, but, i mean a recycling thing, i recycle everything i possibly can. i had an uncle killed in the mines, i've had friends killed in the mines, killed in the mines. it's the most dangerous job in the world and people talk about how much they get paid, that's ridiculous, they don't get paid enough. it was one thing to deep mine and, you know, it has its problems too, it ruins people's water and undermines houses and things like that, but strip-mining was just the greatest sin that ever happened to the earth. [light guitar music] in 1965, i worked for [indistinct] stur