this is jim wheeler the recreation manager for aquatics and leisure services and he will provide photos from time to time. a little background on this. in 2012 the recreation and park staff met with the department of boating and waterways to discuss potential funding opportunitis to improve this public boat launch. the department of boating waterways has a unique program where they come out to the site before they allow you to apply for their grant funding. they will come out and look at the site and do topography, maps and try to determine the best location. and types of improvements for your boating facility. so they met with us back in december, and then later in december, they approached staff asking us to submit an application for $500,000 for some department of boating waterway grant funds. it just so happens that at this time, it was towards the end of the year and there was $500,000 that needed to be allocated before the end of the year. so we went ahead and moved forward with the application to make improvements to this particular facility. in march our department was notified