with south park's favorite hunters jimbo and ned. i'm jimbo kern and this here is ned. say hi, ned.e mountain goats. now the new law passed by colorado legislature which ned and i call pussy law #4 states... our old line of "it's comin' right for us", "it's comin' right for us !" no longer works. so now we only kill animals to... if we don't hunt, then these animals will grow too big in numbers and they won't have no food. so you see we have to kill animals or else they'll die. so roll the tape. ( jimbo ) here we are up at schaefer's crossing looking for some animals. look ned, there's some deer. quick ned, thin out their numbers. thin out their numbers. good work ned, now they won't starve. that sure was a great hunting trip. we saved those deer from extinction. we're environmentalists. coming up next, we're gonna drop some napalm on an unsuspecting family of beavers, and also try to thin out the numbers of some endangered species. mr. garrison, what's vietnam ? what's vietnam ?