jimmie loyce was a mentor, a supervisor, as well as a friend. and i recognize his many contributions to the health commission. but i also want to recognize his contributions just as a citizen of san francisco with amazing expertise. as a commissioner and as a employee, he would go to places no one else could go. he went. he had the expertise, the finesse and the experience to go and help all citizens of san francisco. he did not turn his back, he did not turn away. he has a knack for talking to people and conveying information to them in a way that is palatable, so he can reach down to our clients as well as to all of our staff. and i learned an awful lot from him. i learned how to speak to the health commission from jimmie loyce. he is an amazing asset to the board. he will be missed. we appreciate all of your efforts to move forward all of the initiatives that would benefit the citizens of san francisco. so i'm speaking to tell you, well wishes, i know you're not retiring. tried that before. that didn't work. but we appreciate your efforts. an