and the other guys, and they were very nice guys, jimmy breslin and tom wolfe, all these nice guys, wouldsay to me, "you write like a man." and i would say, "oh, thank you." and it wasn't until -- the experiences in my case, maybe yours, too, had to pile up before i saw the pattern and then i had an epiphany which was related to my own experience. which maybe is true for each of us, which is that i covered a speak out about abortion and i realized that i had not told the truth about having an abortion myself at 22. and why not? and why? if one in three american women, approximately, has needed an abortion at some time in their life, why not? what was secret about it, you know? and then as soon as i started to speak about it, then other -- i discovered it was often part of other people's experience, or their family's experience. i remember sitting in a taxi in boston with flo kennedy, the great flo kennedy, and flo had written a book called "abortion rap," which was totally about this and we were talking about her book. and the old irish woman taxi driver, very rare, probably, as a taxi dr