we have jimmy carpenter doing a light installation -- jamie carpenter doing a light installation.d we have a wonderful water piece on the park for children to play and the announcement of pcp we have committed a total of $4 million because that is all we have in our budget. we're working with the arts commission to identify more funding. supervisor olague: i guess to the extent that we can prioritize bringing and local artists and community-based artists something that is expressive -- >> we are doing that and we're q the arts commission. >> i really appreciate josh walking me through. i see how close the san francisco of modern art's -- modern art expansion is. we were talking about some of the public art, not just here, but also treasure island. it is eight strong -- i support that we maximize the local community artists as much can. thank you. if there are no other=#ÑçÑ ques, let's open this up for public comment. i have seven cards. if there is someone else who would like to speak, please fill out a card. [reading names] we are trying to get the microphones. >> i have been in