so my pal jimmy cramer has it right. is nat gas going to be the fuel of the future? hello, gentlemen. ti tyler, let me start with you. natural gas. >> we have seen these predictions before in the 19 0s, natural gas prices were also plummeting. we built a whole bunch of efficient gas-fired plants and a lot of those were forced to go idle when gas prices shot through roof. we started again in 2005, allen greenspan saying liquified natural gas was the key to lower prices. we added capacity, and it didn't have an effect. the problem is, is that natural gas prices have burned investors in the market before, because it is so volatile, the pricing of it. and so it's -- natural gas is going to be a key to the future, but as a supplemental fuel to talk about natural gas, as a foundation for energy policy is very risky, because of the inherent extreme volatility in natural gas prices. >> daniel, do you feel part of this problem could be resolved if there was more policy support behind it, more conducive support to use it? >> absolutely, the most important thing that we need to