. >> jimmy: that's where he wrote -- ian fleming wrote all the "bond" books. >> i know. 'd love to go. >> jimmy: yeah. is it weird if you show up there, because you -- it's almost like you're asking for attention. >> yes, quite. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> it wouldn't go down well now. >> jimmy: no, you're not allowed to do that. do you read the books as well? or do you just read the script? >> no i haven't. but i was a huge bond fan originally. and i remember "from russia with love." i loved it. eight bond films i think that you've done? and now this is "the second best exotic marigold hotel." very -- how did you come up with that title? second best. [ laughter ] the first one was a giant hit. i want to say $170 million that's all been grossed worldwide. beautiful place. shot in india, right? >> yes. in rajasthan. >> jimmy: i've never been there. >> oh, well you have to go. >> jimmy: really? >> and anyone that hasn't been should go. it's absolutely breathtaking. i bored my family when i came back so much after the first eight weeks there. bored them so much talking about in