jimmy haslam iii he is the knoxville billionaire hoping to make it a winning team. >> thanks.lking to fox business exclusively because we mean business in cleveland. coming up, i used to work here, 91 to 93, i was an anchor at a news channel. we're bringing in one of my old co workers bill martin we go back to columbus ohio. he's not from here. what has he done? he's stayed here through the years what is it about cleveland and cleveland business? all that and more all day long. and the governor coming up in a couple of hours live right here. connell: that's a great picture. liz doesn't see it. when you said old co workers, i thought you were bringing in pat o'brien or something. that's great liz. thank you. liz: go browns. connell: markets check time. up with nicole once again as we do every 15 minutes or so. stocks now. take it away nicole. nicole: wanted to take a look at some financials that are leading the way today for these markets that are moving higher. the dow jones industrials are up 65 points off of their earlier highs but the financials are still shining, folks, so