and she goes - [ laughter ] it's like -- it's so - if jimmy hoffa came out of the bathroom, she wouldyeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: i mean, it's not a big house and you do live there. so, i feel like every room you walk into, there's, like, a 25% chance he's going to be there. >> there's a good shot i'm there. but she just is so shocked >> yeah. >> it's unbelievable >> you're also not known for your light foot fall [ laughter ] so, i feel like you could be able to track him, where he is in the house he would have to stand very still. dad is someone where you just know -- and i, by the way, i have your foot falls as well people know when we're coming. >> yeah. >> seth: yeah. >> well, the other thing is i have a - a 100-pound sheepdog that follows me everywhere i go >> seth: yeah. >> so, if i go -- if a sheepdog walks into a room and she hasn't figured out that i'm coming right after or vice versa -- >> seth: yeah. >> yeah, it's -- she's not a slow learner >> seth: yeah, yeah. i will say, you would make a very bad detective, i feel like. >> yeah. you could be right >> seth: yeah, i could b