: yes, i do remember this >> 'cause, you know, like, the theme was camp and - >> jimmy: jared he did he did >> jimmy: he was holding his head >> because he's jared leto, you know >> jimmy: yeah >> of course, that's what you're going to do >> jimmy: he's fun >> and i look to my right. and there is jimmy fallon. and i just thought, "okay, you've got to say something. so i was just like, "good luck." [ laughter ] as if like you've never done that before. you know, the met gala but, anyway, it's the dream to be here and -- >> jimmy: you said, "good luck," to me i'll take it i always need luck thank you. i have to tell you that i look at your face probably more than you've ever seen your face, because my kids are obsessed with princess jasmine, "aladdin." >> oh, thank you >> jimmy: you were fantastic in "aladdin." [ cheers and applause so good. >> thank you >> jimmy: my daughters are - >> how old are your daughters? >> my daughters are 4 1/2 and 6 years old. >> oh, my gosh >> jimmy: and they were you for halloween. >> oh, my gosh, really >> jimmy: yeah, they love you. they like --