jimmy was. she had she had a very keen sense of people and of politics. she was intuitive. she would get exasperated sometimes with the president because he was not paying in her, in her opinion, sufficient attention to the political implications of what he wanted to do. but time and time again, whether it was a panama canal or or energy policy or the creation of, of. of energy. um, i lost my train of thought. forgive me. yes. well, he he created the department of energy, and that was a that was a controversial thing to do. he he wanted to reduce by, by orders of magnitude the the country's reliance on foreign oil. and and he did that when he came, when he came into office. uh, we were we were very dependent on foreign oil. when he left office, we had we had dropped our reliance on imported oil by 1.8 million barrels a day. and that's that's simply because he was so dedicated to getting that done. >> and, jack, you know, his success in politics, it seems really unlikely when you look at it, a peanut farmer from humble beginnings, ultimately becoming president. how did he be