congressman, people -- i was talking to jimmy morales about this before we started this panel. one of the things that we look at that is so complex about this is that people are drawn to people who look, position and speak like them. you are drawn to your ethnic group. you are drawn to your racial group because there are certain commonalties. what is wrong with that? >> well, i think there is nothing wrong with people be proud of their hair damage. and their ethnicity. that's always been part of our political system. i think that's one of the it if i would say laws of politics. people are proud to have representatives who they feel identification with. having said that, and i'll make reference to a kcouple of other what i call laws of politics. as much as they could be laws, there could be laws of physics. people are proud of their hair damage. and they're proud to have a representative who they identify with. now, at the same time, i'd say that it's evident that for elected officials, successful elected officials, emphasis that a particular message is given obviously has to do