you sure you got the right jimmy mosler? i'm not gonna tell you the computer's never been wrong. [ zeke ] when am i gonna get outta here? that guy committed a crime in there, huh? yeah. we get those occasionally. come on. we'll talk about your possible mistakak identity in here. sit down. give us your whereabouts 2:30 this morning, , mmy. bed with my girlfriend. that terry, where we just picked you up? that's gonna put her right in the middle of a capital offense. who i i s with last night? [ sipowicz ] last night, yeah. that isn't terry. that's another one. oh, yeah. what's her name? one-night stand. we didn't get to names. wham, bam. thank you, ma'am. yeah, i never got her name from her. well, you see, my thinking here, jimmy, is your only quick k p last night was shooting up the ecuador club. no, i was getting laid. eyewitnesses put you there sticking up that club at 2:30 last night, jimmy, and killing three people! out of a dumpster at that outhouse motel that you were staying at till you checked out this morning with yo